DESIGNED for the RV-6,
RV-7, and RV-9 aircraft, but may fit others.
NOTE: We are presently working on
armrest panels for the RV-14.


"CLICK" on the pics above to see a larger view
NOTE: We are presently working on
creating armrest panels for the RV-14.
These are GREAT
looking Armrests! They are made from Boltaron which is a plastic similar to ABS but tougher for aircraft use. BoltaronŽ products consist of a
broad range of PVC, PVC-alloy, and CPVC film and sheet products in fire rated,
ultra high impact, corrosion resistant, and economy grades. You can paint
the armrests with anything you can use on ABS plastic. To glue cloth and
leather on, we recommend recommend any type of contact cement. These
panels were also made
lightweight and at the same time, strong enough for the cockpit occupants.
A bit of custom trimming is required to make them mate up with your particular
bird. They can be painted or upholstered. If you desire to get them
upholstered, we recommend that you contact an upholstery shop. They would
be more experienced in making the material lay down correctly. This is a
bit of a challenge due to the acute angles in the armrest area. See the pics above done by the experts.
If you desire to
paint the armrests, we recommend that you use products such as Rustoleum Plastic
Primer and Liquitex Plastic Paint. You may then add padded armrests if you
desire. This method would be easier for the novice.
NOTE: These panels do not meet the flammability rating for normal category
aircraft. Boltaron 1165 does meet a UL 94 V-0 Rating. The manufacturer only recommends these panels for experimental
aircraft. Also, beware of the cement you choose. Look at it's
flammability rating. We do not recommend specific products and are unaware
of the best products to use. Upholstery shops are your best source for
Our armrest panels are normally packed in a box: 11 lbs., 44"x 25" x
The raw panels are approximately 43" long x 24" tall, and about 1/16"
Each side panel weighs approximately 3 lbs, 8 oz. after they are trimmed to fit.
Installation is left up to the purchaser. We suggest that you use a
couple of aluminum angles ( 3/4" x 3/4" x 1/8" thick ) to secure the unit to the
floor. Also, secure it to the flap motor housing. We suggest using rivnuts
and screws (#8 or #10). Many have their own idea how to mount it.
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