What is the best method to contact Aircraft
Extras, Inc.?
Try e-mailing first! E-mail is normally received several times per day
during the normal work-week.
PayPal Problems?
Try this
next time.
1.) Log
into PayPal first, www.paypal.com. Set
up your personal account first.
2.) Log
back into www.aircraftextras.com.
Click on the items you want to order and complete the
PayPal information.
If PayPal asks you for an e-mail address to send money to, type in

How can I tell if you received my PayPal
Check your PayPal account information. You should show a payment to

How do I pay using PayPal if there isn't a PayPal
button on the web?
We are trying to keep
prices down to the aircraft homebuilder. If there is no payment button,
the reason is probably because it is a high dollar item. We would rather
you send us a check or money order for these orders. This is because it
will save you money. PayPal charges large amounts of commission on these
How do I pay using PayPal for special orders when
there is no PayPal button.
On special orders, we
have probably already given you a total price for your merchandise via the phone
or web. If this is the case, you can pay using this method:
1.) Go directly to
www. paypal.com.
2.) Send money to:
3.) Make sure you
write in the notes field what the payment is for.
