A "complete" oil quantity system consists of the OSE-1
electronics package and an oil quantity sensor. The oil temperature
sensor is now (optional), and is customer selectable (by popular customer
demand). This oil quantity sensor with its associated electronics
package will give the pilot a real time oil quantity while in flight or on the
ground. This system is not meant to replace any other traditional methods of
checking oil quantity. It is a new device that the pilot of a small aircraft can
use in flight that he or she never had before. It will also measure oil
temperature if that option was selected at purchase. The electronics enclosure
features two analog outputs, one for oil quantity and the other for oil
temperature. It also features a four digital output alarms (open collector type)
for sensor malfunction, oil level warning, oil level caution, and over oil
temperature. You may program the alarm trigger values for those outputs and
choose a scaling for both analog outputs.
You may choose to display the oil quantity and temperature on
your existing EIS or EFIS system, or utilize our model AG6 pictured above.
Our AG6 is approximately the size of a postage stamp and will also give you
Presently, we have two types of oil sensors available, one for standard Lycoming
engine oil pan fittings and the other for standard Continental engine oil pan
fittings. The sensor will fit quite a number of engines, oil pans, oil sumps and
oil containers. Presently, the length of sensors are custom built. The sensor's
length must be determined by the customer at the time of purchase. Later, we
plan to build them up ahead of time as we create a database of standard lengths
ordered. A list of our available sensor fittings will be available in the
purchase area on our Website. Sensors with other fitting types may already be in
our design schedule.
Our standard oil sensor does not include the oil temperature
sensor. This has changed because of popular customer requests. It is (NOW OPTIONAL).
This option is customer selectable at the time or purchase.
The temperature reading is a bit different from the standard
engine oil temperature. It measures the Oil Sump temperature. The
sensor gives you a good indication what the oil temperature is in the oil sump
area. In general, we have found that this temperature reading is different from
the engine oil temperature. In our O360-A1A engine, the oil sump
temperature rises faster than the engine oil temp. It also runs a bit
hotter than the engine temp, until you get up closer to your cruise phase of flight.
It also gives you a good indication whether the temperature is boiling off
excessive water that remains in your sump. It also makes a good back up for the
normal engine temperature reading.
the OIL QUANTITY SENSOR (from the TOP or Up-Side-Down)
may install the sensor from the top side of your oil pan or oil container but, .
. please be
aware of two situations.
First, please understand that the temperature sensor is mounted in the base of the sensor. This being
the case, it will not function properly because it will not be immersed in the oil
unless the oil tank is always full.
Second, also be aware that when you calibrate the
oil quantity sensor by adding your quarts
of oil, the sensor may not sense your lowest oil level. If this is the case, your
sensor tip may not extend into the oil at the very bottom of your oil pan when
adding your first quart. The oil level must be between the sensor base and the
sensor tip for the first "quantity" of oil. If this is the case, you might try
adding two quarts as your "increment" instead of a one quart increment. This may
allow you to get the oil level beyond the tip of the inverted sensor. It
is up to the installer/customer to determine where your lowest oil level is for
your installation for an inverted sensor installation.
would like to make certain that the sensor that you order will fit your
aircraft. If you order one of our standard available sensors, and the
sensor never
had oil in it, or it didn't have scars from installation, we may be able to
refund your money if you make a mistake ordering. However, if you order a
custom made sensor and find that it does not fit, we will not be able to refund
your money for the sensor portion of your order.
NOTE: We recommend a maximum distance of 72 inches between the
electronics OSE-1 and the sensor. If you require a longer distance, please
contact us. Contact us if you also require a custom length extension cable
can be ordered.
Cable Model: CabSMA30.0 $28.00
Cable Extension 30" (SMA male connector on
one end, female on the other)
Price below is total price with
shipping. Select shipping before adding to cart.
Cable Model: CabSMA15.0 $22.00
Cable Extension 15.0" (SMA male connector
on one end, female on the other)
Price below is total price with
shipping. Select shipping before adding to cart.
This is a partial list of oil plug
thread sizes for various engines. It may help others determine the proper thread
for your sensor application. It is ONLY for reference and needs further
verification. If any of you have any inputs or suggestions in order to complete
or add to this list, please contact us. We have sensors that will fit the
thread sixes below that are RED. We will
design others as needed.